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5 things to know before your plastic surgery

This is a very nice lady in her 70s who came in for a Revision Facelift  Like most of Dr. Koch's facelifts, it was performed

How to find the best plastic surgeon near me? Which plastic surgery is right for me? Answers to your frequently asked questions from a doctor who trained Plastic and Facial Plastic Surgeons at Stanford and around the country.

1. How to choose the best plastic surgeon near me?

Unlike the real estate, location is not a key factor. The surgeon’s training and experience for the specific procedure that you are considering are the key factors to a successful and happy result.   

Some doctors may have attended an observational fellowship where only the mentor performed the procedures. Or, they may have attended a one-procedure type of fellowship where the mentor did only one type of procedure.

Sample questions to ask your doctor

Answers from Dr. Koch

2. I want to look younger. Which procedure is right for me?

Facelifts, eyelifts, nose jobs, mini lifts are different types of plastic surgeries to make a person look younger and fresher.  An experienced doctor can recommend the right procedure based on your goals and skin types.

3. Should I go for dramatic or natural results?

Few decades ago, the dramatic result from a plastic surgery was popular. Over time, trends have shifted to looking younger but still “You”, without an “operated upon” appearance.

4. What can I expect before and after a plastic surgery?

See the before and after looks on the Gallery page. A very experienced doctor, like Dr. Koch, can give you an idea of how many years he may be able to remove from your appearance.

5. I have other questions before deciding on a plastic surgery. What to do next?

Ask the doctors that you are considering. Some doctors offer free initial consultation so you can get to know them and vice versa. On Dr. Koch’s facial plastic surgery website, you can:

#Facelift #Necklift #KochFacialPlastic Surgery

R James Koch MD R James Koch MD Dr. R. James Koch is a Stanford-trained, double Board-Certified facial plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience. Dr. Koch completed a fellowship in Advanced Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Stanford University, where he subsequently became Director of that same fellowship and also held the positions of Associate Professor, Director of the Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, and Director of the Wound Healing Laboratory. Best known for minimally invasive procedures such as the in-office facelift, eyelift, and laser procedures, he has trained the most physicians in the in-office facelift in the country.

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