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Complete List of Procedures


  • Face
    1. Facelift
      1. Vertical SMAS Facelift
        1. SMAS Imbrication with vertical vectors and hair-sparing incisions
      2. Mini-Facelift
      3. Male Facelift
      4. Facelift Revisions
    2. Necklift
      1. Liposuction/Laser Liposuction
      2. Submentoplasty
      3. Platysmaplasty
    3. Browlift
      1. Lateral Subcutaneous
      2. Direct
      3. Mid-Forehead
      4. Coronal
      5. Endoscopic
    4. Chin Augmentation
    5. Lip Augmentation
    6. Facial Fat Transfer
      1. Autologous Fat Grafting
  • Eyes 
    1. Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelift)
    2. Lower Blepharoplasty
      1. Transconjunctival with Skin Pinch or Laser Resurfacing 
      2. Skin-Muscle Flap
      3. Ectropion Repair
  • Nose
    1. Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping)
      1. Primary and Revision
      2. Endonasal and Open Approaches
      3. Asian
    2. Reduction of Nasal Fractures (Broken Nose)
    3. Breathing Improvement
      1. Septoplasty & Turbinate Reduction 
  • Ears
    1. Otoplasty (Ear Reshaping)
    2. Torn Earlobe Repair
    3. Ear Reconstruction
  • Asian Cosmetic Procedures
    1. Asian Blepharoplasty 
      1. Double Eyelid creation
    2. Asian Rhinoplasty
  • Reconstruction
    1. Facial Scar Revision
    2. Mohs Closures following skin cancer removal in the face & neck 
    3. Excision of benign facial lesions including Keloids
    4. Local Flap Facial Reconstruction
    5. Facial Acne Scar Revision
  • In-Office 
    1. Dr Koch performs many procedures in the office setting under Twilight sedation.
    2. Although patients are fully monitored, they are performed without an IV or the risks of a General Anesthetic.
    3. These are not “Mini” procedures, but the Gold Standard versions
      1. Facelift
      2. Eyelift (Blepharoplasty)
      3. Necklift with liposuction
      4. Browlift
      5. Ear Reshaping (Otoplasty)


Koch Facial Plastic Surgery
101 N El Camino Real, Suite 3
San Mateo, CA 94401-2700
Phone: 669-279-3663
Fax: 888-904-2134

Office Hours

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