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What's the Best Age to Have a Facelift?

What's the Best Age to Have a Facelift?

There’s no denying that facelift surgery can yield dramatic results for women and men looking to reduce the signs of facial aging and restore more youthful contours in the lower third of the face. But one thing that may not be clear is the best age to have this surgery.

At Koch Facial Plastic Surgery in San Mateo, California, R. James Koch, MD, helps patients understand their options when it comes to battling the signs of aging, including optimal timing for facelift surgery

Here’s what he wants you to know about choosing the best time for your procedure.

Quick facts about facelifts

Facelifts are one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States, with about a quarter-million procedures performed each year. 

The goal of a facelift is to gently reposition the lower third of the face, including the areas around the mouth, chin, and jowls, removing excess tissue and tightening underlying muscle.

Dr. Koch performs facelift surgery on an outpatient basis using special techniques that avoid general anesthesia (and its potential risks). Instead, he uses a combination of sedation and local anesthetics to keep you comfortable and help you doze during your surgery. It should be noted that Dr. Koch has trained the most physicians in the in-office facelift in the country.

Afterward, you can expect some swelling and bruising that last a week or two, with complete recovery taking about 6 weeks. The sutures from your surgery are removed over a two week period. Dr. Koch provides recovery and care instructions to help you heal quickly.

For sagging in the neck region, Dr. Koch can perform a neck lift at the same time, trimming excess skin and restoring a firm, smooth appearance to your neck and chin area.

Timing your facelift: Choosing the right age

What happens during a facelift procedure is straightforward. But choosing the best age is one factor that can vary from one person to the next. That’s because everybody ages at different rates and in different ways, depending on facial anatomy, health history, and other factors.

What’s more, the tolerance for age-related changes can also vary from person to person. What one person considers acceptable at a specific age may not be acceptable to another, leading them to choose facelift surgery at an earlier age. Also, having a facelift does not preclude you from getting another one in the future.

Today, many people choose to have facelifts in their 40s, 50s, or 60s, but it’s important to remember there’s no upper limit for facelift surgery — it all depends on how healthy you are. 

Ideally, having surgery while your skin still has some natural elasticity is important for achieving optimal results. But here again, there can be considerable variability among patients. 

Bottom line: The ideal age for a facelift is when you feel those age-related changes are taking a toll on your confidence or when you want to look as young as you feel. 

Scheduling an office visit is a great first step toward deciding if facelift surgery is the best choice for you or if another, less-invasive option is better.

Learn more about facelift surgery

A new year is a great time to make a fresh start, and that means prioritizing your own goals. If looking and feeling more youthful and confident is on your list of resolutions, we can help. 

To learn more about facelift surgery and other procedures aimed at reducing the signs of aging, call 669-279-3663 or book an appointment online with Koch Facial Plastic Surgery today.

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